
Bardstown Bourbon Co. Announces Expansion to 3 Million Gallons

Bardstown Bourbon Co. Announces Expansion to 3 Million Gallons & Western Spirits Beverage Co. Partnership

By  January 30, 2017
We were at the Bardstown Bourbon Company the first week that bourbon starting flowing off the still September 2016. At the time, they let us know that they had already sold out all of their contract distillation time on the 1.5 million proof gallons per year column still that they had just fired up and they were already talking expansion. Company CEO David Mandell stated that the majority of the distillate coming off the still would go to their partners but they weren’t ready to share who any of those partners were or what their own brands would be. Fast forward four months later and the company is ready to share their expansion plans and the name of at least one of their partners names.

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