
Mother-Daughter Duo Start a Distillery with Heirloom Bloody Butcher Corn




64 acres just off of Kentucky Interstate 64 leads to the construction site of one of Kentucky’s newest distilleries, Jeptha Creed Distillery. The Jeptha Creed Distillery startup story is like many other craft spirits distillery startup stories with one exception, this new distillery operation is run by Joyce and Autumn Nethery, a dynamic mother-daughter duo.

They broke ground on the 15,000 square foot distillery on 64 acres in November 2015. They chose this location because it was right off the interstate, has natural gas, three phase electric and sewer access. The property also has two creeks. Joyce tested the water and found it to be limestone rich and iron free, perfect for Bourbon. Not to mention its on the way to several other distilleries that are already on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail. The family actually owns about 1,000 acres around Shelby County so they have plenty of room for expansion.

Read the Entire Article (with lots of Construction Photos) on Distillery Trail

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