
From DNA lab to whiskey distiller: A well-laid plan gains steam

By Jeannie Naujeck


It’s also an opportunity to serve a broader cause – supporting American manufacturing and agriculture by partnering with local suppliers and vendors. Almost every piece of equipment at Nashville Craft was made in the region – the copper still was produced by 100-year-old Vendome Copper & Brass Works of Louisville – and all business services are provided locally.

Boeko also is partnering with local farmers to purchase natural ingredients and send back the liquor byproducts for use as feed and fertilizer.

Distilling whiskey is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Nashville Craft’s operation has the capacity to produce 10,000 to 12,000 cases per year. While the still will start producing clear liquors in the next couple of weeks, the whiskey will need several years to age before it is ready.

Read the entire article at The Nashville Ledger

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